What Are Low Doc Car Loans?
Low Doc Loans have all the benefits of regular car loans, without the hefty level of documents. Hence; a Low Documentation Loan. This solution can help you to save lots of time and hassle which might’ve been spent trying to get a hold of the general minimum of two years of personal and business tax returns usually asked for by financiers.
Thus this loan product allows you to avoid the ‘red tape’ which a ‘Full Doc’ loan would require, and allows you to quickly and easily reach the means by which your business can acquire it’s new vehicle, making the loan perfect for business owners, entrepreneurs, and other individuals with variable income.
All this with no penalty for not applying for a Full Doc. That means no extra fees, no higher rates, and no extra stress.
How Can It Help Your Business?
As previously mentioned this sort of loan is perfect for an individual with inconsistent income and little time to prepare the usually required documentation for another loan category. This allows for your project or business to operate with flexibility and minimum hassle, with very little paperwork, organisation, and time required for it to be put into action.
It can be especially helpful if your business is in need of a number of new cars in short notice, for instance, to keep up with an upshoot in demand and stay on top of your respective market.